
Check out the random blogs, podcasts and youtube channels I like.

My postroll, has various single articles, podcast/youtube channel episodes I liked.


Very Really Good - A random/variety weekly podcast by Kurtis Connor.

Sad Boyz - A variety podcast by Jarvis Johnson and Jordan Adika. Also has a Patreon/paid "Nights" bonus episode which I find worth it.

Fish Jelly - film reviews by an older gay couple. Nick is a cinephile from the avant garde to b-movies. Joseph aligns more with the casual film viewer. I love their older married couple dynamic and banter. They offer interesting discussions of movies and their lives in general via articles, youtube and podcast.


Life with Kadie - a young blog, but cozy.


Link Site Type
Weekly Recap 23 Divergent Rays Blog
I think about it all the time A Cosy Blog Blog
Challah For Change: How One Bakery Spreads Connection With Every Bite Jessica Farthing via PASTE Magazine Article
The Real Life Filming Locations For 'The Color Purple' Jessica Farthing via Southern Living Article