Sept 4, 2024

Posted: Sept 4, 2024

I need to use a light due to the less and less sun each day. 🥱 I actually feel a huge difference. Its a bit messed up my body is like this. But at least I am fortunate enough to have this light.

I think I am less mood salty. Probably because of fall. I can see the leaves turning already even if its still warm. 🥰

That said, I've been sick the past couple days. 🤯 What else is new? My head still feels weird now, but I want to have a bit of fun.

I did my best today, hopefully it was enough. My triedness led to an anxiety spiral that I am still feeling the after affects of. I guess its good I can pull out in a couple hours rather than stay up all night?

I wish I had the brain power to finish up the gaming post/article I'm working on. Maybe tomorrow. 🤞

A cute tiny frog is wrapping itself in a blanket. At first it is complaining about the cold, but then it is comfortable and falls asleep.