August 30, 2024

The month is almost over.

The YEAR is almost over.

I knew I wasn't going to get a lot done this year as my partner was in college and funds were tight. What I wasn't expecting were house repairs, developing IBS which is awful anytime its over 80 degrees F. In a very hot year to boot. Not to mention work followed suit with most companies, making the teams smaller with even more tedious work and no support.

Staying upbeat has been a struggle. Often I failed. And the year is still going.

I'm not sure what the year holds. Even less 2025.

I've been doing my best to tighten my diet. Not 100% succeeding but by the end of the year I am hoping to eliminate all but the stuff that doesn't make me sick. So removing a lot of random preservatives (except salt) that I didn't really care about before but could be making me sick.

No more cheetos. 😩

On the other hand my family is still here and mostly ok (we all have health issues). We support eachother.

My cat is still here and in good health. In fact, she is getting really good at going to the bathroom near where she needs to. She laps a lot more than she used to.

It could've been worse. It could've been better.

Mini note: My cat watches the same 20 minute video about wild animals (deer, squirrel, racoons, etc) so this is the cat version of playing Paw Patrol for your kid on repeat?